HLW has been engaged by Sears Holding Company to provide consulting services to its highly successful and profitable warranty and repair division, Sears Home Services, based in Hoffman Estates, IL. Sears Home Services is America’s largest provider of residential product repair services and has relationships with 35 million households nationwide.
HLW activity
Homeowner Safety Valve announces 2 new home protection products
As referenced in the February 23 posting, HLW Consulting has been partnering with Homeowner Safety Valve (‘HSV’), an affiliate of Aquarion Company, based in Bridgeport, CT.
Today HSV issued this press release announcing the commencement of marketing of a new In-Home Plumbing product, and also teeing up a forthcoming Water Heater Repair-Replace product. These products offer great value for money and real peace-of-mind to homeowners.
Huge congratulations to the HSV team (what a great group of dedicated customer-focused professionals)! To find out more about Homeowner Safety Valve visit safetyvalveplans.com
HLW partners with Aquarion Company
Heat, Light & Water Consulting has been engaged by Aquarion Company to help grow their service contract program, Homeowner Safety Valve. This program is one of America’s oldest and most successful water utility service contract programs, having operated for more than 15 years, and providing valuable water line and sewer line coverage to many tens of thousands of customers.
To learn more about Aquarion Company visit www.aquarion.com.